Jennifer Phillips is not only a poet she is also an artist, teacher, webmaster and an accomplished writer and author of 8 books to date covering a range of subjects and genres. She has won awards in many fields including her academic writing. She has been called a "true multitalent" and her other non-websites confirm this:
Tertiary Qualifications
- Gaduate Diploma of Theology: (GradDipTh) Charles Sturt University, Australia
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.): Massey University, New Zealand
- Teachers College Diploma : Palmerston North Teachers College, New
- Trained Teachers Certificate: (T.T.C.) Palmerston North Teachers
College, New Zealand
- IT Diploma (Multimedia Integration): Anutech. Australian National
University. ACT.
- Certificate of Lay Preaching: Methodist Church of New Zealand
- Certificate 1V in Workplace Training and Assessment: CIT. ACT.
- Certificate 111 in Screen: AIE. Canberra.
- 100 points Early Childhood Education: New Zealand Qualifications
- University Entrance Certificate: University Entrance Board, New